MacBooks in WCPSS
not just for syncing anymore!
Many Wake County Public Schools have received Bretford syncing carts filled with thirty iPads, an iPad for teacher use, an LCD projector with HDMI capabilities, plus some model of MacBook as part of a STEM and Global grant rollout -- over the past two years. Additionally, the district's refresh program recently alloted for individual schools to purchase iOS technology although OSX and iOS are considered 'non standard' equipment in this Windows-rich environment and therefore not supported by the IT department.
The focus in the Academics Instructional Technology realm has been on using iPads instructionally, to make global connections, access Common Core and other content, creativity, STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math), inquiry and project-based learning. No one has offered professional development around how the MacBooks, most commonly used for syncing the devices, offer learners opportunities to integrate iOS with OSX, mash student-created content to make polished and creative products worthy of publishing and sharing, and a deeper understanding of multiple platforms. With the launch of the newest OSXs, Lion and Mountain Lion, Mac users can now purchase (free) an iBooks Authoring app from the Mac App store. This app allows students, classes, teachers, curriculum writers, technical writers, and everyone to create their own iBook and publish that iBook in iTunes -- easily! See Apple Education's iBooks Author Gallery.
As I design professional development around facilitating educators to pull together student-authored content, I will begin by taking this journey myself, documenting the process along the way, while offering short-cuts and other tips for those new to using Macintosh technology. My colleague, Mike Tally, recently took a trip to the Amazaon, capturing videos and images of rare and unusual animals, insects and plants. His camera was rolling as pink dolphins put on a show that rivals Sea World's trained animals. Together, we will document our process as we create, publish and share an iBook with you, educational leaders and innovators throughout Wake County.
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